Join us this Sunday

In Person | 4P

Join us live for Worship, Teaching and Prayer. We gather every Sunday at 4:00 PM in person at Countryside Community Church 18810 SW Kruger Rd.

Online | 4P

We stream our services live on Zoom. Join us for worship, teaching and prayer remotely.

Click below to gain access to our live Zoom gathering, or find the link in the eweekly (the same link every week).

Orchards Kids

We want our children to grow up loving Jesus and loving one another. Each Sunday at Orchards Kids they play, learn, and grow up in Jesus. For the safety of our children, all children ministry workers have up-to-date background checks. To learn more about Orchards Kids email our Children’s Co-Directors, Colsey Simcoe & Katie Bonner

Orchards Youth


Join us Sunday evenings for youth group. We meet at 23264 SW Main St, Sherwood from 6 to 8 pm to worship, learn and have fun together. Events vary week to week.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 18:20