
We are…


Rooted in Jesus

Jesus is the center of everything we do. We worship him, study his word, and follow him as our Lord. Every project, conversation, service, and sermon is rooted in Jesus. We believe that he is the King of all and we choose to submit ourselves to his leadership in all things.


We are a community of people whom God has brought together. We sharpen each other. We bear each another’s burdens. We pray for and love one another. We accept each other and challenge each other to grow. We were never meant to do this life alone, so we do it together.

Bearing Fruit

We were created for good works. We were created fo have the fruit of the Spirit manifest in our lives. If we are rooted in Jesus we are meant to bear fruit. Fruit-bearing trees always bear more fruit when planted together. We live, work, serve, and worship together to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Led by…

Our Story



When this local church began gathering in April of 2016, it was launched as Colossae Sherwood, the third congregation in West Portland bearing the name Colossae. It was a convergence of Jesus-followers from several local churches in the area who were eager to be part of something new in Sherwood.



Colossae Sherwood started with more people meeting around tables for a meal than seated in front of a stage. This local church was characterized first by relationships; people of all ages enjoying friendship and a shared love for Jesus. They formed smaller communities to care for each other well and to serve the needs of others in the surrounding towns.


This local church has moved on from the Colossae story to embrace a new identity as Orchards Church. Several of the original members are still here and many new faces are filling in the family portrait. Still grounded in community, we are also embracing God’s call to join him in his mission to regather and restore people in the name of Jesus.

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(503) 862-9925